Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow, Snow, I Love It So

It snowed last night and actually stuck. When I got up and looked outside, the backyard was winter wonderland! Alabama has really crappy weather and we only get snow to stick about once every 2 years...even then it will stay for about 4 hours. Alas as I am typing this the snow has already melted and gone away. At least I while it was here I got to go out in it. the snow wasn't high enough to make snowballs or anything but it was just great to be around. My dog Porkchop really seemed to enjoy it though as he was alot more active outside than he had been all week. The snow started melting by the time I went out there and by the time I went back in, it was already half gone. I've lived out in Madison, Alabama for 10 years and I think we've only had one real long snow day and I think that was the year after we moved here from Huntsville, Alabama in 1998. I really wish we would get another, but knowing the south that will probably never happen.

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