Monday, March 9, 2009

What A Waste

I hate it when I don't do anything of actual interest over my weekends. It feels like I accomplished nothing and didn't have fun. There are several things that I do over the weekend and it usually depends on what weekend it is in the month to determine what's done. One of the dullest things that can come up is visiting my relatives in Tennessee.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family; but I seriously don't have anything in common with any of them. So when my parents decided to go up there for the day on Saturday and maybe go to the mall in Nashville, it goes without saying that I was more interested in the mall than anything else. But we would never get to go to the mall and spent the whole day talking to relatives. I got so bored I wound of taking a nap....which I almost never do.

The only thing my parents did on Sunday was do yard work. I was unable to get a hold of one of my friends so I spent the day holed up in my room. I did manage to do most of the prep work for my third exams I have on Tuesday. The good news is that after I takes these exams I'm off on spring break for 2 weeks...yay!

Oh well, maybe I can do something more interesting next weekend.

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