Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Hard To Be A Nintendo Fan

So a couple of weeks ago Nintendo released a list of about 120 games that will be released on the Wii and DS over the next few months...and it it completely pathetic. out of the 120 games on this list, I found 3 of actual interest: The Conduit, GTA Chinatown Wars, and the re-release of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Which I missed on the Gamecube). It is worth noting that 2 games that I want, Mad World and Sonic & The Black Knight, weren't on the list possibly because at the time this list was unveiled, the 2 games were about a week from launch.

So if you count those 2 games, then the total number of Nintendo games I want has been bumped up to 5. The remaining 115 games are complete and utter garbage, even from a casual gaming perspective their list is just pure crap. The Wii and Ds started off really strong, producing top quality games for both the casual and hardcore crowds. However, since early 2008, both consoles have produce nothing but garbage for both casual and hardcore. Sure every one in while we get something great like Mario Galaxy or No More Heroes, but their just way too far apart.

Nintendo also seems to be getting incredibly lazy as well. This week marked the launch of the Wii Play Control series, a group of GameCube games revamped to take advantage of the Wii's motion-sensitive controls. Now I know I said I was getting New Play Control Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and some people think that some old Gamecube games are a perfect fit for the Wii controls, but I just think this completely ridiculous and that more time needs to put into new original ideas.

I love Nintendo, but it getting harder to support them when all they do is half ass everything. I understand the casual angle is making them embarrassingly large amounts of cash, but at the very least they could start putting some effort into even those games. But of course they know as long as give us a new Mario and Zelda game every couple of years, we'll stick around.

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