Friday, March 13, 2009

Miss March

I already mentioned that I was a huge fan of the New York comedy group "The Whitest Kids U Know", so it was a no-brainier that I was going to see the new movie "Miss March". The film was written by and stars 2 of the group's members, Trevor Moore and Zach Cregger. It was fairly interesting to see if their flair for comedy would translate to a feature length production and it does...for the most part.

The basic plot finds Eugene Pratt (Zach Cregger) waking from a coma to find that his high school girlfriend has become a playboy playmate. Eugene and his brain-dead best friend Tucker Cleigh (Trevor Moore) than go on a "crazy" road trip to the playboy mansion to reunite with his true love.

I found the movie to be moderately amusing, though a couple notches below the standards set by Moore and Cregger's previous endeavours. The humor is lowbrow at it lowest (one of the character's stage name is Horse Dick.mpeg) and there really isn't anything wrong with that as long as its done well. The movie's not laugh-out loud funny but I did get a good number of solid laughs: Eugene's sex ed presentation, the stripper getting flung out the tour bus window, and Tucker's chat with Hugh Hefner were a few of my favorites moments. The rest of the humor varies from very funny to groan worthy.

The film has an odd hatred of firefighter provoked by Eugene and Tucker constantly being chased by groups of them led by Tucker's enraged girlfriend. Their encounters act as recurring joke that fails to entertain outside of the first meeting. The same can be said about a recurring poop joke brought on by Eugene's atrophy from his coma. It was funny the first time, but a tad tiring by the fourth time it appeared.

Miss March is a solid attempt at a feature film by Moore and Cregger. It won't make a top 10 best comedies list, but it's still a pretty good diversion. The movie is perhaps best enjoyed by fans of The Whitest Kids U Know and gross out films.

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