Monday, February 23, 2009

Poor Damon...

Damon got kicked outta his mom's house again last week. On Valentine's day to be more on the point. He told me that his mom just texted him while he was out and the message read "Don't bother coming home, you're not welcome". This is the thrid time he's been kicked out since I've known him, the only difference is that this time he can't stay at our friend Jason's apartment because Jason moved back in with his parents around october last year. Damon did manage to stay at Jason's parents' for til Thursday morning when they said he had to go. Jason gave him a ride back to his house and then Damon decided to call me.

I was kinda upset when I first notice that he called me (I had class that day so I mad that he would call me when I was busy), But I decided to spend what little time I had before I had to leave for the campus with him. Damon didn't ask to stay with me, he just needed someone to get him outta his mom's house before she got there. We joked alittle like we always do and then we headed out to Books-A-Million and looked at the comics til Damon's girlfriend Morgan got there and tried to help. I offered to pay for some gas or let him stay at me at my parents but he refused...mostly because he was sure his Dad in Dectar would let him stay with him. By this time I had to leave for class so Morgan took Damon off somewhere and I went to class...thinking of Damon the whole time.

I felt bad for not really offering to help him that much....well, taking too long to offer anyway. He called me wanting to hang out, but I just kept getting this nagging feeling that he was hoping for an invination to stay with me for a while. It wouldn't of made much of difference he had accepted my too-late invite since I asked my mom if he could stay and she of course said no. That's the reason I didn't offer sooner. But I wished I had my own apartment, then it wouldn't have been a second thought on my part.

Oh well, we're suppose to go see the new Watchmen movie next weekend and I'm wouldn't be surprised if Damon ended up back with his mom. He doesn't tend to stay "kicked out very long".

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