Monday, February 2, 2009

Let's Play Catch Up

My new years resolutions? Update this damn blog more often...I'm might not succeed at that.So starting with my last post about my life, let me play catch you up on my recent events.

Bought The Killers Day & Age CD. Loved it! Easily their most addictive release since their Hot Fuss debut. My 3 favorite tracks: Joyride, I Can't Stay, and The World We Live In.

My great grandmother passed away round the second of December. My only remaining great family members include 2 great aunts on my father's side. I never spent time with my great grandmother so I wasn't affected by her death, but my mother was devastated, which affected me.

I said in early post about my college classes that maybe a miracle would happen and I would pass my Algebra course. Well the miracle happened, I passed that class and my micro-economics course, but I failed the legal business course. No big loss, the teacher of that class was actually fired for receiving too many complaints from students. Works just fine for me.

Christmas was pretty good. I got a couple of surprise gifts like a new jacket and Guitar Hero 3. Among my gifts was Sonic Unleashed for Wii which, while not perfect, was easily the best 3d sonic game since Sonic Adventure 1 & 2.

New Years came and went without much interesting happening. The only thing that really hit me was how quickly the year went by.

I enjoyed the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed so much that I had to purchase the 360 version (which for those who don't know is actually a different game from the wii version). I enjoyed it, but it not as much as the wii version. The overall level design of the 360 was more varied than the wii but a lot less well put together. The only really big thing the 360 version has over Wii is more content and a better balance between the number of sonic and werehog levels. On the wii you get 3 to 4 werehog levels for every one sonic level. All in all though, I really enjoyed the game.

Lastly I started my next semester of college. I only have 2 classes this time and they are at night on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The classes I'm taking are extensions of one another: Small Business Management and Marketing Management. Same teacher for both classes and hot guys in both classes. The best part about this that these classes are really really easy. The teacher pretty much tells us exactly what will be on test. A nice change from my last few semesters.

Well that's it, that's everything that's happened since December. Like I said before, maybe I'll actually post more often.

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