Saturday, February 28, 2009


Well I went on my was a solo date. Jordan stood me up. We were suppose to meet at noon, I was there for about 40 minutes and he never showed up. I tried to text him but he never texted or called back. I was so upset and walking around the mall didn't help much seeing all the cute guys with hanger on girlfriends...yeah I was bitter. I walked around FYE looking at music and stuff and The Killers "Spaceman" video started playing. Music from that band always cheers me up so I left the mall and decided to forget all about Jordan. And honestly, I still don't feel too bad, I'm sure I'll get bummed out later when I think about love in general but oh well.

Moving on from that.....
I had planned to be out for at least 2 hours so I decided to head out to the Publix where I used to work. I quit back in October and I haven't been back there since then so it was time to see what had changed...and my god the place looks completely different. Things rearranged, recolored and modernized. The bakery seems to be doing fine. Good old Maggie still works there and so does that horrid manager Tracey. It also seems that they finally got a new assistant manager for bakery too. Dora still works in the deli along with a new woman, I didn't see anybody else in there and I didn't see Evan over at the produce department (although he mainly works nights). The one thing I'll say about this shiny new Publix is that I'm glad I don't work there because it looks like it's twice as strict as when I worked there.

From there I went home and watched the Family Guy Star Wars DVD I bought at moviestop for $5 and basically acted like the whole Jordan thing didn't happen. I'm seriously taking being stood up much better than I thought and I think maybe (for like a week or two) I'll try to enjoy being single.

I'm Freaking Out

I'm so nervous, in a few hours I will be on my first date with a another guy. I've only been on 2 dates before: I took my really bad high school girlfriend to the prom 2 years in a row.

For the past month I decided I was tired of the lonely life and since trying to find a bi or gay guy in person in Alabama is borderline impossible, I decided to go to the forbidden (in my mind anyway) world of online dating. I've spent my time on and was surprised to see so many good looking men looking for love right here in my town. After 2 depressing rejections I finally I caught the attention of a 20 yr old guy named Jordan. He seems to like the same things as me and in a few short messages, he actually gave me his phone number. We set a date at the mall noon today.

I've never done anything like this before and my mind has been racing on the possible outcome of this date. I haven't told my parents I'm Bi and I worried about what will happen if me and Jordan actually start see each other. I actually really disaponited that I have to go on a blind date. I always hung on to the possiblity that I might hook up with one my crushes like Damon, despite the chances being pretty much non-existant. So now I have to meet this guy I don't know whose interested in me and I don't know I will even like him.

Oh well, I guess the first step to love is suppose to be this scary...

I Hate My Dreams

For the past month I've really come to despise my dreams. I wouldn't say I have full on nightmares, but I would I definitely say my dreams have been very unpleasant. As a result, I've come to dislike going to sleep because as much I don't won't to dream, I do so anyway. When I don't have a unpleasant dream, my dreams are very dull and pointless. The last time I had a good dream that made me kinda happy was last month when I dreamed that Damon and I were a couple and we got in a little kissing action. sigh, if I had more dreams like that, then I think it goes without saying that I would love to dream more.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gaming Quiz

1. What are your Top 5 Gaming Companies?

1. Nintendo
2. Square
3. Capcom
4. Rare
5. Konami

2. What are your Top 5 Favorite Consoles?

1. Super Nintendo
2. PS2
3. Wii
4. N64
5. Game Boy (Orignial & Advance)
(Nintendo fanboy much? )

3. For each console you voted, what are your 5 favorite games on each?

A. Super Nintendo
1. Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars
2. Super Mario All Stars
3. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
4. Chrono trigger
5. Kirby Super Star

B. PS2
1. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
2. Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
3. God Of War 2
4. Sly 3: Honor Amoung Theives
5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

C. Wii
1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. No More Heroes
3. Super Smash Bros Brawl
4. Mario Kart Wii
5. Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2

D. N64
1. Banjo-Kazooie
2. Super Mario 64
3. Star Fox 64
4. Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
5. Paper Mario

E. Game Boy (Oringial & Advance)
1. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
2. Pokemon: Fire Red Verison
3. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
4. Kirby: Nightmare In Dreamland
5. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

4. What are your Top 5 Favorite Games of All Time?
1. Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsensal
4. Banjo-Kazooie
5. Super Smash Bros. (Melee or Brawl)

5. Within your top 5 favorite companies, what are your favorite series from them?

A. Nintendo
1. Mario
2. Zelda
3. Kirby
4. Metroid
5. Pokemon

B. Square
1. Kingdom Hearts
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Final Fantasy
(That's All)

C. Capcom
1. Devil May Cry
2. Ace Attorney
3. Street Fighter
4. Marvel Vs. Capcom
5. Mega Man (Nes)

D. Rare
1. Banjo-Kazooie
2. Donkey Kong Country
3. GoldenEye 007
4. Perfect Dark
5. Conker's Bad Fur Day

E. Konami
1. Metal Gear
2. Castlevania
3. Contra
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
5. Tiny Toons Adventures

Monday, February 23, 2009

Poor Damon...

Damon got kicked outta his mom's house again last week. On Valentine's day to be more on the point. He told me that his mom just texted him while he was out and the message read "Don't bother coming home, you're not welcome". This is the thrid time he's been kicked out since I've known him, the only difference is that this time he can't stay at our friend Jason's apartment because Jason moved back in with his parents around october last year. Damon did manage to stay at Jason's parents' for til Thursday morning when they said he had to go. Jason gave him a ride back to his house and then Damon decided to call me.

I was kinda upset when I first notice that he called me (I had class that day so I mad that he would call me when I was busy), But I decided to spend what little time I had before I had to leave for the campus with him. Damon didn't ask to stay with me, he just needed someone to get him outta his mom's house before she got there. We joked alittle like we always do and then we headed out to Books-A-Million and looked at the comics til Damon's girlfriend Morgan got there and tried to help. I offered to pay for some gas or let him stay at me at my parents but he refused...mostly because he was sure his Dad in Dectar would let him stay with him. By this time I had to leave for class so Morgan took Damon off somewhere and I went to class...thinking of Damon the whole time.

I felt bad for not really offering to help him that much....well, taking too long to offer anyway. He called me wanting to hang out, but I just kept getting this nagging feeling that he was hoping for an invination to stay with me for a while. It wouldn't of made much of difference he had accepted my too-late invite since I asked my mom if he could stay and she of course said no. That's the reason I didn't offer sooner. But I wished I had my own apartment, then it wouldn't have been a second thought on my part.

Oh well, we're suppose to go see the new Watchmen movie next weekend and I'm wouldn't be surprised if Damon ended up back with his mom. He doesn't tend to stay "kicked out very long".

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let's Play Catch Up

My new years resolutions? Update this damn blog more often...I'm might not succeed at that.So starting with my last post about my life, let me play catch you up on my recent events.

Bought The Killers Day & Age CD. Loved it! Easily their most addictive release since their Hot Fuss debut. My 3 favorite tracks: Joyride, I Can't Stay, and The World We Live In.

My great grandmother passed away round the second of December. My only remaining great family members include 2 great aunts on my father's side. I never spent time with my great grandmother so I wasn't affected by her death, but my mother was devastated, which affected me.

I said in early post about my college classes that maybe a miracle would happen and I would pass my Algebra course. Well the miracle happened, I passed that class and my micro-economics course, but I failed the legal business course. No big loss, the teacher of that class was actually fired for receiving too many complaints from students. Works just fine for me.

Christmas was pretty good. I got a couple of surprise gifts like a new jacket and Guitar Hero 3. Among my gifts was Sonic Unleashed for Wii which, while not perfect, was easily the best 3d sonic game since Sonic Adventure 1 & 2.

New Years came and went without much interesting happening. The only thing that really hit me was how quickly the year went by.

I enjoyed the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed so much that I had to purchase the 360 version (which for those who don't know is actually a different game from the wii version). I enjoyed it, but it not as much as the wii version. The overall level design of the 360 was more varied than the wii but a lot less well put together. The only really big thing the 360 version has over Wii is more content and a better balance between the number of sonic and werehog levels. On the wii you get 3 to 4 werehog levels for every one sonic level. All in all though, I really enjoyed the game.

Lastly I started my next semester of college. I only have 2 classes this time and they are at night on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The classes I'm taking are extensions of one another: Small Business Management and Marketing Management. Same teacher for both classes and hot guys in both classes. The best part about this that these classes are really really easy. The teacher pretty much tells us exactly what will be on test. A nice change from my last few semesters.

Well that's it, that's everything that's happened since December. Like I said before, maybe I'll actually post more often.