Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy 2

For the first time, Nintendo has released two 3D Mario platformers on the same console and like most people I couldn't be happier. I really could just repost my blog about the first Mario Galaxy, as for all intents and purposes, this is the same game with a few additions. This is largely way I wasn't too thrilled about the prospects of a Galaxy sequel when it was announced at E3 last year. But the fact that my only really complaint is that its more of the same is really a petty gripe when that "more of the same" is some of the best gameplay of this console generation.

Much like the first game, the level design in Super Mario Galaxy 2 is unparalleled and, ultimately, the real heart of the whole experience. From the familiarity of spontaneously shifting gravity and bounding across miniature planets to newer takes on the classic haunted mansion and drills that allows Mario to go through planets, Super Mario Galaxy 2 keeps the most memorable level varieties from the first title and combines them with some fresh ideas. Despite sometimes having to combine patience with split second timing, the level design remains extremely intuitive, rarely leaving you guessing where to go next. One of my only complaints with the first Super Mario Galaxy was the lack of difficulty. The whole experience was rich and rewarding, but it was hardly a challenge. While doing the bare minimum to save Peach and finish the game in Galaxy 2 is only a tad more difficult, going for full 100% completion of 242 stars can actually put you to the test from time to time. The final star in particular may be the hardest thing the franchise has presented in years.

The biggest (and my favorite) addition to the game is that of Yoshi. My favorite game character shows up immediately on the first level is loads of fun as you get to devour enemies and use power-ups such as speed-inducing peppers and blueberries that turn him into a blimp. I have to give the developers credit as they give Yoshi far more to do, and by that logic, far more respect than they did in New Super Mario Bros Wii. While Mario’s bee and spring power-ups return, There's some new tricks in the form of Cloud and Rock Mario and succeed in their role to aid in the solutions to platforming puzzles that are fun, challenging, but never hinder the momentum of the game.

Something I really adored about this game was all shout outs and references to previous Mario games. Some familiar foes return from the first game, along with some older baddies from the rogue’s gallery and treat to see a lot of them make the transition to 3D for the first time (like the Hammer Bros.). There were plenty of nerd-out moments for me as noticed things like the laser statues from Mario 3, or the fact that first the Yoshi level looks like something straight out of Mario World (the game in which he made his debut). While New Super Mario Bros Wii used nostalgia as a shield and was basically the whole experience, Galaxy 2 uses it to enhance the game and present those old memories in new fashion. The only thing that keeps this game from being better than first for me is simply the fact that as a sequel, it doesn't wow and impress as much the original did. So yeah, I like the first game a little better, but its follow is pretty close. Its still easily one of the best games of the year.

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