Monday, June 14, 2010

E3 2010: Ubisoft Impressions

Ubisoft's press conference was better than EA's and most certainly better than the one they had last year were James Cameron talked for roughly 15 mins about his Avatar movie. They still have a bit of a problem spending too much time on one game as the conference ran for 90 mintues when it could have easily been done in an hour.They kept Joel Mchale as the host of the show which was great since I adore everything that man does, even though he still feels out of his element here. As for the games themselves they were pretty intriguing and I could I see myself trying some of these games out in the future.

Child of Eden: They spent roughly 5 and half minutes on Tetsuya Mizuguchi using the Kinect to basically play what looked like a first person version of Rez. I sure it will be a fun little diversion game but it didn't need as much face time as it got.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: Once again, I need to play the previous two games first, which I might do since I can get both for under 50 bucks. This looks to be a lot more action oriented than the last two games, and could be a decent filler game until the inevitable third installment rears it head.

Shawn White Skateboarding: So I guess Shawn White is suppose to be the new Tony Hawk since he seems to everywhere now-a-days. Apparently that snowboarding game he released a few years ago did well enough to allow him to do a skateboarding follow-up (I didn't know he was a skater). I was actually impressed as it appears to take all the good aspects of the Tony Hawk games that the Tony Hawk games seem to have forgotten. There's also an odd "De Blob" vibe to it as the levels have you skating the life and color back into a black and white area. They only announced this for the Wii but I'm sure it's going be on PS3 and 360 as well.

BattleTag (have no clue what this is called): This is an odd one, its not really a video game, it's just laser tag in the comfort of your own home. The tv screen keeps score and there's some weird brick that you scan with your gun in a race. I don't think this will really work because most people don't have enough space in their homes for the action that the players were showing off. They didn't even bother telling us what systems this would be on, but they did say it would be out by the end of the year.

Innergy: Some breathing exercise game that I believe uses the Wii vitality sensor, didn't' really look that interesting and its main purpose is to help you relax.

Two Games that I don't care about: After the Innergy thing, They spend what seemed like 15 mintues going on about You Shape Fitness Evolved...again...why...I dont' think anyone gives a crap about your Wii Fit rip-off. Then they covered a new game in the Ghost Recon series, but apart from some aspects of the Splinter Cell series, I don't really care about Tom Clancey games.

Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time: I thought that Rabbids Go Home game from last year was suppose to be the end of this series, but I guess not. Heard that game was pretty good, so I should check that one out sometime. All that's really known about this game is that it involves time travel and will be released November 9th.

Driver: San Francisco: I doubt this will be any good, because I've never heard anything good about this series. I notice about this was that you're constantly chasing after you're arch nemesis and there are tons of side missions to preform.

Project Dust: I have no clue what this is suppose to be, but it is pretty and could have the potential to be really good. It comes out on the PS3 and 360 next year.

Rayman Origins: Finally...poor Rayman has gotten out of the shadow of those Raving Rabbids games and returned to making platformers. All that was really shown was that game will be hand drawn in manner reminiscent of Wario Land: Shake It. Don't have too much hands on experience with the Rayman game, but I've heard good things.

Michael Jackson: This is basically Ubisoft's early Just Dance Wii game with Michael Jackson. I think they were hinting that they had this in development before Michael's death, but I'm a skeptic.

Seems like Ubisoft's got some great games to complement the big three's titles.

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