Monday, June 14, 2010

E3 2010: EA Impressions

I didn't cover EA and Ubisoft's press conferences last year, mainly because they weren't very good, they only really seem to exist so the main conferences won't have to cover any of them for the most part. Anyway, EA holds up their reputation for just endlessly squealing everything as only one game showcased here was a new IP...

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit: I wonder who actually plays all of these games as this has got to be like the 15th or 20th iteration of the series. This one has this neat online component where you chase after your highest ranking friends as a police officer and try to ram them off the road Burnout style. I haven't played a game in this series since Underground back in 2001, but I might check this one out when it releases November 16th.

Dead Space 2: I keep forgetting that Dead Space was actually a success and not some kind of cult hit. Horror is not my genre of choice and while this won't change my opinion of the genre, its doesn't look too bad. The only complaint I have about what was shown was that Issac kept using the same move to dispatch of his adversaries: freezing them and filling them with bullets. The demo ends with a cliffhanger that will concluded at Sony's conference...which seems like a waste of time if you ask me. Oh well, I might play this if someone else is in the room. I believe January 21st was the release date given.

Medal of Honor: A war game series that's been gone for about three years but no one really noticed because they were too busy playing Call of Duty. It follows Modern Warfare's footsteps by taking place in modern war as opposed to WWII for the millionth time. They showed off a 24 payer mulitplayer mode that has beta launching on June 21st while the actual game will release on October 12th.

EA Sports: I skipped this part, the sports game are what EA is infamous for, all of them looked the same as they're last version from the wrestling game to Madden so moving on...

Sims 3: I've always wanted to play the Sims but never got around to. I can give a shot now that Sims 3 is coming to consoles, but it doesn't look like anything new was added so I really don't know why they spent so much time talking about it.

Crysis 2: I don't play computer games so, I didn't play the first Crysis and still don't since most people seem to say that its nothing more than a mediocre shooter with really pretty graphics. This sequel is gonna be released on the PS3 and X-Box 360 and it actually looks like fun. You get to fight giant mechs and escape from crumbling buildings. It may be cliche but it seems to do the routine with style.

Bulletstorm: Another game from Cliff Blenszinski. This one is a first person shooter that rewards you for finding skillful ways to kill your enemies kinda like Madworld for the Wii from last year. Not much was shown apart from roundhouse kicking a few enemies into electrical wires and the characters ability to say cheesy one-liners. Its just different enough to warrant a look when launches February 22.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Much like last year, they showed another long ass trailer that had zero game footage so it doesn't count. I more intrigued by how long LucasArts can go by just releasing Star Wars games. Remember when they use to make non Star Wars games? Yeah, its been a while. I'm not sure, but I think they said they'd have an actual demo on the show floor tomorrow, if they do I'll certainly watch it.

All in all, EA has a decent show and I came away from it with a few games to try out.

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