Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dragonball Z (Review)

Dragonball Z is the follow-up series to Dragonball, a manga/anime about a really strong boy named Goku and his friends who love fighting and go on adventures to collect 7 mystical Dragonballs that grant wishes. Dragonball Z is basically about Goku and his friends protecting the world from increasingly powerful villains. DBZ is the show that got me a little interested in anime and after watching the complete series on DVD, I can say I still love it. It's a great action series and a classic among anime.

Running through 291 episodes with basically 4 major story-arcs, DBZ is a show that does drag on from time to time. This show does follow a standard "fight scene followed by exposition followed by more fight scene" path and the fights can go on for many episodes with little actual stroy development. The prime example is Goku's showdown with space tyrant Frieza which last for a whopping 19 episodes! Even though they run long DBZ has some of the best, well-choreographed fights...ever. These people go through tough fights and it shows.

The characters and their overall development are the highlight in DBZ. Old characters return, new ones appear, characters' pasts intertwine with the current plot and a lot of time is spent watching people change. My favorite development is watching Vegeta's inner conflict with the life of power and war he's accustomed to and the new one of peace he can't get used to. The show was just a joy a revisit and I don't have much else to say other than I'd recommend it to just about anyone who loves insane action.

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