Monday, July 13, 2009

Bomberman Generation (Review)

I kinda enjoyed the Bomberman single player games that were released on the Nintendo 64. They weren't exactly stellar, but they were memorable little excursions. Bomberman Generations is the first of two Bomberman games released for the Gamecube, and it's pretty fun. Its still retains the basic go from point A to point B while blowing everything up that the older games featured and it also adds these odd pokemon like things called charaboms that you raise and battle. The charaboms add neat abilities to your bombs like maximum fire power or remote control movement for the bombs. Before long, I become adept at avoiding enemies and solving puzzles and I quickly gain enough power-ups to deal with most any problem.

The flaw of the story mode is that it's fairly easy and too short. The difficulty of the bosses don't progress as you make your way through the game, but rather become easier. With the charaboms, crushing any and all obstacles is a piece of cake, with an exceptional few. What I found most irritating were these god awful mini games that you have to play in order to gain an item needed to progress through game. The premise behind most of them are crap, the control for most of them are ill conceived, and the execution of most of them are horrid. Other than that the game is a lot of fun. It certainly doesn't revolutionize the action genre or blow you away, but it does what it sets out to do well.

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