Sunday, November 29, 2009

South Park - Season 13 (Review)

South Park's 13th year was a tad better than the last few years in some aspects. The show's best years are clearly behind it and the show kinda feels like its just there, but its still able to be highly entertaining and this season was able to do so much more consistently than last year. As usual, the season's episodes featured celebrity and headline news parodies and more stories about how frickin retarded the citizens of South Park are. Something interesting that I noticed is that the first half of the season largely features references to the Obama administration, particularly "The Coon" episode, which was a brilliant stab on people who expected Obama to change things right off the bat, while the second half of the season featured a surprising number of jabs at obscure reality shows (Whale Wars, Ghost Hunters and some crab fishing show). One thing I'm glad they toned down this season was the constant feuding between Cartman and Kyle, which had nearly dominated the series in the last few years and was starting to become rather irritating. The show is still pretty good and is going to go on for at least other two seasons and they've said they'd like to finish the show with another proper movie. Though I'd probably keep watching the show if they continued for another decade, I think it best if they start wrapping things up.

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