Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Frasier - Season 2 (Review)

Okay, so season two of Frasier is just as amazing as the first. The stories have become a bit stronger and at this point the characters are becoming richer and more detailed. The cast really hit there stride in this season. Kelsey Grammer is just unstoppable as Frasier Crane, a given considering he played the character for roughly seven years prior to this. John Mahoney as the father Martin Crane is still a hardass but a certain extent, there are times where it seems like Martin delights in his son's various failures. Frasier's brother Niles is still my favorite character with all of his neurotic quirks and his infatuation with Daphne, which becomes a lot more pronounced in these episodes. Jane Leeves is still sexy and funny and very British as Daphne, her recurring stories about her life back in Britain are some of my favorite bits.

Since he is my favorite character, it's not much of a stretch that my favorite episodes from this season involved Niles. One episode sees him carrying around a bag of flour to see if he really wants to have a child and he has a extreme spaz out moment when his "child" is eaten by the dog. Another one has him learn of his wife possibly having an affair and he engages the other man in a sword fight. My favorite episode has Frasier and Niles purchase a restaurant which appears to be an immediate success on the opening night, but as the case with most sitcoms, the entire staff walks out and havoc is unleashed. I'm kinda rambling at this point since I didn't really have much to say, though at this point it should go without saying that I have thoroughly enjoyed my viewing experience of season two and can't wait to jump into season three.

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