Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Whitest Kids U Know - Season 3 (Review)

The Whitest Kids U Know's third year changed the format by airing 20 15 minute episodes instead of 10 30 minute shows. This allowed the season to last much longer (running from January 27th to June 2nd) while basically giving us the same amount of content. I didn't care too much for this change since the show always ended too soon for me, but I guess when a show leaves you wanting more it's doing it's job.

Season 3 wasn't as clever as the show's first two years, which I personally considered both to be nearly flawless. One thing that kinda bugged me with this season was an over reliance on visual shit jokes...none of which made any of the sketches they appeared in any funnier. They mostly appeared early in the season and by the end the kids wisely decide to leave the poop to your imagination. Luckily the season usually manages to entertain more than disappoint as there were still some really funny sketches like Superdog, The homeschool kid who mocks his teacher mother, The fashion show, and the woman who really, really wanted to see the movie "The Loveliest Bride.

I'm not sure if the show will continue for another season, normally someone in the group would have announced something by now. I hope it does come back, as it's still easily one of my favorite current shows.

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