Friday, July 18, 2008

Sweet Freedom

As of Wedensday night, I finally finished my 12 day work week and I got 2 days to rest up before I have to go back to being tortured there for a couple of days again. If course I've really failed at using these off days to recoperate. Last night I went with my co-worker Evan and his 2 friends to play paintball. This was the second time I decided to this with and I actually managed to do better than I did the first time, although the first time I actually managed to hit someone, this time I managed to survive a lot longer and move around the field a bit better. The injuries I substained this go round were less servere exculding a powerful blow to my left hand that drew alittle blood. Tonight I'm all set to go to the movies to see The Dark Knight with my friend Damon (the one who quit publix) and his girlfriend. I've never met her but I really wish he wouldn't bring her along. Anyway, I'm not really use to being this social, the fact that I actually invited someone to do something with me is pretty progressive for overall shy nature. Well tonight I'm gonna see if I can if I can't break down some my reserved nature.

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