Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Alot of Work To Do

I feel like I’ve been royally screwed over at my job, which wouldn’t be the first time I assure you. To put it simply, I’ve been working since Saturday and was just basically forced by my manager to work on Friday which was the only day off I had for this week. Then she pretty much told that my next day off will be next Thursday. So I’m working 12 days straight. The reason I’m irritated by this is because this is all a result of poor planning on my manager's part. You see over in the Publix bakery where I work, we had Damon (a good friend of mine) up and quit last week. Damon and myself were the only 2 people who work the closing shifts in the bakery so when he left, so did my off days. Originally, this week I was suppose to have today and Friday off, but of course the manager decided that I should close today and Nick should close on Friday. Nick usually works the day shift, but he does the closing shifts anytime both me and Damon were unable to. Now due to some odd circumstances when another person that works day shifts on Friday, the manager needs Nick to help her during day and needs me to close. My problem is that this would have been avoided had she switched the days: have nick close tonight and let me close on Friday. I had to work 6 days in this work week, it would make more since for me to have a off day in the middle of the week instead of the very end . But because the manager doesn’t think straight when comes to scheduling the night shift people, I now have to work 12 days straight. Of course, it isn’t all too bad, My paycheck will be very big and after the dental appointment I had earlier today, I’m going to need every penny. I seriously can’t stand my job, but I suppose that isn’t too big of shock to anyone reading this. I mean at least 65% of the U.S work force dislike their current occupation. I’m hoping to follow Damon’s lead in the next few weeks and acquire a improved line of work. I hope I'm able to gain one before this place drives me frickin’ insane.

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