Saturday, May 29, 2010

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Season 7

Rewatching the Aqua Teen Movie got me interested in regularly watching the series again, something I have haven't done since season 5. I guess I picked a good season to jump back in as it's in this season that the Aqua Teens reach their 100th episode, and it's a pretty good run of episodes for something so late in the series lifespan. The best way to describe this season is really weird. The show has always been pretty damn freaky, but I guess the show's been stepping up the weirdness angle by a ton since I stopped watching. For the most part I have to say that this tactic was a bit hit and miss. The season actually began last year with a somewhat mediocre one-off Christmas episode where a Master Shake decides to cut a rap album and the season resumed in February with a run of decent episodes. The first episode "Rabbot Redux" had a lot of homages to the first episode ever, and at first, I couldn't tell if this was a reboot for the series or just another screwy premise.

Other episodes had the teens visit an island of creepy looking birds to use their eggs for a pinball machine, Carl finding out what his life would have been like if he had a head full of hair, and the guys trying to keep their hands on a giant hamburger until long after it is no longer edible. The 100th episode finale has the teens realize that due to the show's short running time they're only halfway to the hundred half-hour qualification for syndication and then somehow get lost in a Scooby Doo parody. It wasn't too bad of an episode, but I personally think the aforementioned "Rabbot Redux" would have been a better choice for the 100th show, what with its string of fan references. I don't how much longer the show can last at this point, but there's at least one more movie coming anyway. But I guess for now I'll have to go back and watch the other seasons I missed.

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