Sunday, January 10, 2010

Latter Days (Review)

I don't watch a lot of gay-themed films. Most seem to reiterate the same material over and over and just seem...not good. Latter Days is a huge exception to this trend. The story follows the relationship between Aaron Davis and Christian Markelli. Aaron is a Mormon missionary who is quite passionate about his religion and film. Christian is a party boy who only wants to have sex with a new guy every night. After Aaron and three other missionaries move into the apartment across from Christian, his friends bet him fifty bucks that he can’t hook up with one of them, so he instantly goes after Aaron. Naturally there are some problems that result from this, Christian starts falling in love with Aaron and the Mormons hate the homosexual community and to say anymore who just spoil the whole movie.

I’ve watched this film a couple times and there is no doubt in my mind that this one of the best films in the genre. I found the script to be very well written as it adds a new depth to the traditional ‘coming out’ story that we continually get bombarded with when studios make ‘gay’ films. In Latter Days I actually found myself caring about the characters and was truly invested in the story progression. It is such a great romance film and Steve Sandvoss and Wes Ramsey absolutely nail their performances and it doesn't hurt that they're pretty damn handsome to look at either (Steve Sandvoss in particular). The minor characters also play important roles in the development of Aaron and Christian's relationship and the actors that play them do their roles as well as expected even though I couldn't recognize anyone expect for a young Rob McElhenney (Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia). Anyway, to say anymore would just be redundant. Latter Days is a film which I can easily watch again and again, and if you're open to gay themed films, I'd say it out.

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