Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Real World: Cancun (Review)

MTV didn’t give anyone time to recuperate after the end of Real World: Brooklyn, giving us a new season only two months later. The Brooklyn season sort of returned to the more respectful Real World of old with legitimately interesting people learning from each other even when they were fighting about something stupid. I expressed concerns that Real World: Cancun would undo all of that and go right back to the sleazy, moron-fest it’s been for the last decade and, for the most part, I was right. None of the cast members this season had any interesting stories to tell or even showed something resembling common sense and every episode showed them going to clubs getting drunk, hooking up and getting into arguments.

However, The Real World is nothing without drama and Cancun was actually decent for a little while because there was near constant confrontations. There’s an engaging and intense feud between the house bitch Ayiia and punk rocker Joey that becomes increasingly severe as each episode goes by. Unfortunately, Joey winds up getting kicked out of the house for an unrelated incident and since Joey was one of two people in the house worth watching, most of the entertainment of the show went with him while Ayiia proceeded to do nothing for the rest of the show. After the Joey/Ayiia arc, the season drags on with a love triangle story between token black girl Jasmine, morally weak-minded, two-timer Jonna and co-worker Pat. It was fun to watch for maybe one or two episodes, but it stretched on and on and on for far too many episodes with little to no fireworks exploding. It became redundant and mind-numbing to watch after so long and showed how unlikable most of the women on the show were. With the slight exception of the underused Emilee, the women in this season were without morals. They slipped into bed with anyone, betrayed anyone for no apparent reason and then cried because they got called on it.

The best cast member without a doubt was crazy party boy Bronne. He mostly stayed out of the drama and just did his own thing which was playing jokes and just goofing around. Once again, all good things come to an end when Bronne gets kicked out of the house (he’s was still on the show, he just had to find a new place to stay) and any source of humor the show had leaves with him as he’s barely featured after that. The other two male cast members were CJ and token gay guy Derek, but they don’t do anything of actual intrest…well CJ gets to tryout for the NFL but it’s plays out rather irritatingly. All in all, The Real World: Cancun returned the series to it’s predictable trite. The season started of kinda promisingly and then faltered with stupid plots that lingered into the last couple of shows. If it wasn’t for incredible Bronne, intriguing Joey, and the temporarily interesting drama, Cancun would have been garbage. The next season is set to be in Washington D.C so maybe there’s some hope for it to good, but I wouldn’t hold my breathe.

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