Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Scooby Doo: Night Of 100 Frights (Review)

This game was released back in 2002 as part of Warner Bros' huge promotion for the live action Scooby Doo film that was coming at the time. Like most licenced games, Night of 100 Frights is a fairly mediocre game. The one thing I think is really noteworthy about the game is the presentation. The game flawlessly recreates the look and feel of the original Scooby Doo cartoon, right down to the somewhat annoying laugh track, and the chase songs played during boss battles. The storyline of the game could actually pass as an extended episode of the show. The Mastermind (voiced by Tim Curry) is easily one of my favorite Scooby villains, which isn't saying much since most Scooby villains aren't that memorable.

The gameplay features the usual moving platforms, bottomless pits, thin ledges and predictable boss battles that are well worn conventions in the platform genre. But if you are a platformer fan you can put up with these things. Night Of 100 Frights is not a frustrating game. Considering you have absolutely no control over the camera, it deals remarkably well with the tight corridors and winding roads that you must traverse, and the controls are excellent. The content may be average but it is suitably polished and although it has it's challenging sections it never gets frustrating.

Finishing the game will only take about 5-7 hours if you're only want to get pass the final boss, but trying to find all the extra Scooby snacks and the pretty cool monster tokens (an item that makes a fully polygonal figure of one of the show's classic enemies appear in the museum, along with a capsule detailing the episode it appeared in) will add a few more hours. The game's less than 20 bucks now so if you're a Scooby Doo fan, it's well worth the purchase.

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