Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day and Age

Today is the release of the Killers' new album Day & Age. I'm really excited for it because the killers are one of my favorite bands. I still rank their debut album Hot Fuss as one of the best cds ever. However with their 2nd disc Sam's Town, They tried to change their sound. They were oringially a las vegas glam rock band but on this disc they sounded like a glam band trying to sound like typical American band. Sam's town was good but the change in style really dragged it down. I've heard a bit of the new album and it sounds like they got their act together and went back to their glam rock style. I still need to get down to curcuit city, that's where I can pick it up the cheapest. Since I still haven't found a new job I need to buy things as cheap as possible.

What's Up Now?

Well my college work is what's up now. There's only 2 weeks left in the school year and we've now reached that time where everyone is worried about passing their classes. I am really worried about my classes. Mostly my Algebra and Legal Business classes. I've yet to see a single passing grade in either class and I've got 3 more tests in each class. I have one online tomorrow for Business and 1 on Monday after the Thanksgiving break for algebra. I seriously hate algebra, math is my biggest weakness. I think what pisses me off the most about it is that algebra has nothing to do with my major in college. oh well maybe a miracle will happen and I'll pull a C in that class.