Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bye Bye Publix

Okay this is going to be long...

After almost a year of "suffering" I finally managed to get the nerve to leave the job I've hated so much. Since the last time I posted something on this blog, things had kinda gone downhill at publix. At the start of August there was this big manger switch where all the mangers basically moved to a different store. The new manager of the bakery is now a woman named Tracy. The 1st problem with Tracy was that she was alittle too anal, wanting everything to completely spotless. Penny, the old manager, wanted things clean but not spotless. She didn't see the point in making things spotless when the bakery was just gonna get trashed the next day. Not so with Tracy. Tracy also had this annoying new method to set doughnuts and bread that took 30 mins longer than the old method and there wasn't a improvement the quality of these items to justify the new set-up method that she was forcing on us.
She was a fairly strict boss and nit-picked everything. At the start of last month I was supsended for a week because I was found out that I had 10 days out of the whole year where I forgot to clock out for lunch...I'm dead serious. I actually treated the punishment more like a vacation and also used the time to find another job. I know I was suppose to find another one after Damon quit but I just keeped putting it off. When I got back to work The store manager Jennifier was constantly on my ass and kept giving me this "I'm better than you look" that really made me want to slap her (I do not approve of violence against women, I do approve of violence against a-holes). This went on for about a couple of weeks until those to 2 horrible managers wrote me up because I messed up a cake order (I placed it on the wrong day). After they pretty much blew up over that small mishap, I decided that I didn't care if I found another job or not and call in the inform them of my choice which pissed them off since the bakery is very very very under employed (and it's not hard to see why).
So yeah, I've been unemployed since tuesday and I've come to enjoy it alittle. My school work has been a bit overwheming so it nice to have some form of free time for awhile. I really won't miss Publix too much, From day one I wasn't too hyped about it and like most people it was just a job to get money. The only thing I really gained from working there was about 3 good friends (Damon, Alice, and Evan) which something I don't gain very often. Oh well, let's hope I'm not unemployed for too long.